Saturday evening November 26th, aboard the Caprice Yacht is where Chris and Christie Lofton, twin siblings threw a 50th birthday party and invited their friends and family.
As the guests boarded the Caprice Yacht, I played Island Music until Captain Rob did his safety message over the system. Once it was completed I played music off the music list as guests enjoyed the music on the top deck and mid deck as the bar provided drinks for all as guests enjoyed DJ Marc's grove.
The dining room was open and guests were invited to gather on the main deck with Chris and Christie welcoming the guests. Music for dinner consisted of R & B artists from Micheal Jackson to Keith Sweat and more.
Dinner concluded and the guests made it to back to the dance floor area where dessert and the birthday cake were served. A lot of line dances from the Cupid Shuffle, to Electric Slide and The Wobble. Chris approached me and thanked me for the professionalism as he and others enjoyed the music by DJ Marc Evans aboard the Caprice for the celebration of his 50th birthday with his sister. DJ Marc