I had a wonderful time DJing Charlie's 70th Birthday Party at Giluppi's on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Charlie talked to me at the beginning and showed me the snapper he had caught out on his boat this week. I played classic rock music from Chicago, Steely Dan, and Tom Petty as guests arrived. Charlie's wife Susie welcomed everyone. After dinner we played a game to see who knows Charlie the best. We also played a game guessing what items cost in 1953 when Charlie was born. Gas was 22 cents a gallon! We sang Happy Birthday and Charlie thanked everyone for coming. For the rest of the night I played music like Old Time Rock N Roll, Edge of Seventeeen since Charlie is a big Stevie Nicks fan. I also played music from Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin, Florida Georgia Line. Plus fifties music from Elvis and The Isley Bros. Charlie's Birthday was a lot of fun and it was a pleasure to be their DJ!
DJ Chris Paul