On Friday eve February 22, 2019 aboard The Catalina is where I was a part of a Gender Reveal and a Post Valentines Day party.
Guests boarded and the music genre was upbeat Club EDM style music until the main room was opened. once guests made there way into the main room as awards were provided to a few of the employees for Best Dressed, Best Dancer etc.
When the dinner buffet was open, I was asked to play Love Songs for the couples to have an opportunity to dance while dinner was I'm progress.
Once dinner concluded the dancing and line dances started as guests began to enjoy the party as DJ Marc Evans mixed in the tunes.
Towards the end of the event, the hostess played a few games with the couples and then with the kids to close out the evening with Dirty Dancing from the movie. A good time was had by all on The Catalina with DJ Marc Evans.