Its Saturday December 10th and Im here in Coral Gables Miami. Im ready to get this Christmas party underway for Cody and Carolina! Its their 2nd year in their new home and the 2nd Christmas party held here. Its not an ordinary Christmas party... It's an ugly sweater Christmas party! The ugly sweaters were definitely out in force! As I begin playing music I slip into Christmas, Modern Pop, classic rock and a little bit of everything else. The weather was not very dry to say the least. As a matter of fact in the middle/end of the meal we got rained on... Everyone piled in to the small unscreened patio area of the house that I was set up in and in the upstairs dining area. I kept the bodies moving with some Pop dance, Reggaeton and a little bit of everything else. It was a fun party Cody and Carolina were excellent hosts and it was a pleasure playing for them. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy new year! DJ Cristian.