Posted: May 02, 2011
On April 30th, 2011 I played for a party for the "Class of 1966" Pompano Beach High School at the Westin Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale. It was a fun night for all, starting off with a sit down dinner and lots of converstaion and catching up. I played a mix of love songs, and oldies but goodies for the dinner hour. Towards the end of the main course the microphone was passed around the room for all to say a little something about them selves since they last saw each other. After all the toasting and talking it was party time for all, I played music from the 50's & 60's...... Beach Boys, Frank Sinatra, Jesse Belvin to Marvin Gaye. The Pompano Beach class of 1966 was a fun crowd. Thanks Normand Lacasse the banquet captain at the Westin for making a fun night for all...Thanks Roberto (D.J.Rob)