On Saturday, March 5th, 2011, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Alexis Garland were married and partied at Benvenutos of Boynton beach. The party an event that the families will be talking about for quite sometime. Both the bride and groom and a large amount of their siblings danced to music from the 50's all the way to the Top 40 Hits of today. Their nephews did dance routine to Souldja Boy and Justin Beiber.
This was a wedding that shows that people can have fun without any line dancing. The family was very happy and danced until the last song played. The Bride and Groom were the center of attention and danced with all there friends and family members throughout the evening. Food, Drinks and Good Muisc By Marc Evans of Eddie B & Company, was a great combination for a great wedding. Thanx Alexis and Kevin, I wish you nothing but the best....DJ/MC Marc Evans